Achievement Progression In Global United Forces

The Achievement progression in our gaming community typically refers to a series of recognitions or awards that members can earn as they progress through the game and become more involved in the community.

Members may start with basic achievements or recognition for completing certain tasks or milestones within the game, such as attending daily gaming, or gaming events with their fellow community members and contributing to keeping the environment a welcoming space, also hosting different sorts of gaming events and etc.. 

As they progress, they may earn more advanced achievements for demonstrating skill, and sportsmanship,

The final achievement “Legend”  in the progression represents the highest level of recognition within the community, 

Our achievement progression is to motivate and incentivize players to continue improving and getting involved in the community, while also promoting healthy competition and camaraderie.

Overall, it serves as a way to recognize and reward players for their progress and contributions, while also promoting a positive and inclusive gaming culture.

5 – Legend

The “Legend” achievement in our community typically refers to the recognition given to members who have achieved the highest level of recognition and impact within the community.

Members who receive the Legend achievement which is the final achievement, are also often seen as having the highest level of respect, and success within the community, representing the most accomplished and influential members.


  1. Been in the community for at least a year
  2. Discord level 30 or higher
  3. Served at the community as a game officer or higher staff roles for at least 3 months
100% Complete (success)
4 – Champ

The “Champs” achievement in our community typically refers to the recognition given to players who have achieved a great amount of contribution and dedication to the community and demonstrated an excellent level of effort in keeping the community an amazing place.

The achievement before reaching the Legend also recognizes the accomplishments of amazing success as members of the community.


  1. Been a member of the community for at least 6 months
  2. Discord level of 24 or higher
  3. Participated in 20 gaming events or game nights
  4. Awarded as a member of the month once the whole duration of their membership
80% Complete (success)
3 – Hero

The “Hero” achievement in our community typically refers to the recognition given to Members who have achieved a high level of sportsmanship, friendly attitude, organized activity, and effective noticeable impact within the community.

Helping to guide and develop other players within the community. 

Additionally, they may have made a positive impact on the community through their contributions to organizing different sorts of activities keeping the environment a welcoming space, or promoting a positive and inclusive gaming culture.

They are an example to represent, inspire and motivate other players to strive towards greatness within the community.


  1. Been a member of the community for at least 4 months
  2. Participated in 16 gaming events or game nights
  3. Discord level of 18 or higher
  4. Hosted at least 6 gaming events as Rising Star
  5. Unlocking GUF community website Trainee achievement
60% Complete (success)
2 – Rising Star

A “Rising Star” achievement in our community refers to a recognition given to members who have recently shown significant improvement in their activities, & have started to be well-known within the community, and have demonstrated great sportsmanship within the community.
– They can host gaming events in coordination with their game officers.



  1. Been a member of the GUF community at least for 2 months
  2. Regular activity and participation in community Voice Channels 
  3. Participated in at least 8 gaming events or raids
  4. Unlocking the Novice achievement at the GUF community website
  5. Discord level of 8 or higher
40% Complete (success)
1 – Apprentice

The “Apprentices” achievement in our community refers to the recognition given to members who have recently joined the community and are still in the early stages of learning and developing their skills.

Members who have shown a willingness to be dedicated, maintained a good activity, learned, and improved along with other experienced members, and players participating in our community.


  1. Been at the community for at least 1 month with regular activities
  2. Participated in at least 3 gaming events or raids
  3. Been in community Discord Voice Channels for at least 15 hours within the last 14 days
  4. Making a short self-introduction post on the community website forums or Discord
  5. Discord Rank of 6 or higher
20% Complete (success)
0 – Prospect


The “Prospect” achievement in a gaming community refers to the recognition given to players who have just joined our community and are starting to participate in different activities and engagements within the community.

The Prospect achievement can be seen as a startup stone toward achieving permanent membership, and recognition within the community


  1. Joining the GUF Gaming Community Discord and getting Verified on the website
0% Complete (success)